Faith was a big thing for me to lose. That I miss very much.
Never liked the format of being a JW. Don’t miss that at all.
for me - rarely would be the correct word.
i don't miss the indoctrination.
i don't miss the wasted time in service.
Faith was a big thing for me to lose. That I miss very much.
Never liked the format of being a JW. Don’t miss that at all.
can anyone quote me any literarature on lying being alright , does it not matter about lying to worldlys as they are considered evil anyway .
when i used to study i remember hearing many times "i cannot tell a lie ,i am a jehovahs witness "( this was usually said by people who everyone knew told lies ) when i hear jw talk now about how marvelous they are it makes me want to vomit .
I don’t know if this is what you might be after but there is the case in C of C with regards to Malawi and Mexico, the fact that you could lie in Mexico.
many of us have devoted a lot of time and energy to the jw's at the expense of other things like education , planing for retirement , family time just to name a few.. i don't consider it all wasted time there was a lot of good i learnt however i'm doing things now as a jw i never would have.. i don't have the same time pressure and never fell guilty about taking a lot of time out for myself as one elder said to me"if we don't keep you brothers real busy in the work of the kingdom you get swallowed up by the world" .
I do consider it a total waste of time, a waste of such precious and valuable years. Nothing good came out of it for me personally. Some might say that "you wouldn’t be the person that you are now" and point to the positive things that the bible teaches you. But I think that I would be very much like I am anyway. Just not so fu*ked up.
If it wasn’t for religion my life would have been a whole lot better.
has your life changed so much for the better that you even feel better since you left the "truth"?
I don’t feel quite as bad as I did going. There is something that grinds you down when you attend. I don’t know exactly what it is but it is there. Towards the end I used to get a feeling of unease just putting on the suit and tie, thinking about going to a meeting.
But as has been said, when you tell someone about how you feel and they say that it must be you, then that can be quite devastating. The mentality is that Jehovah and his organization cannot be wrong, therefore it must be something that you are not doing right. That puts the pressure and guilt on you. What makes me laugh now is that I started to look into myself to see what it was I was doing wrong. The amount of self-analysis I did looking for what I was not doing right. Then one day I realized that it wasn’t me. That made me feel a whole lot better.
Once you break the mind set that it is actually the organisation that is wrong, you get better from then on.
yes i thought rutherford's policy on kid's was dead and the society had wised up....until i read the new "witnesses only" watchtower study rutherford's last book "children" 1942 = p.281 "wait until after armagedon to bring children into the is only afew years before the other sheep are gathered to the lord, until armagedon...those with infants during armagedon will have greater would be a far greater difficulty to care for them during the tribulation.".
watchtower 2008 april 15 p.19 {picture of a middle aged couple witnessing with question: why do some christian couples decide not to have children?
} paragraph 12 "single or childless for a noble purpose.....numerous couples have decided to remain childless....they often do so to remain freer to serve jehovah...they are willing to place kingdom interests above some of the privileges that go with marriage...jehovah will not forget their work, and the love they show for his name...there will be a great tribulation...doubtless, it will be a difficult time for all of us-adults and children alike.".
Whenever there were these kind of statements I always used to feel desperately hollow.
Can’t believe that they are still cheating people from life that should really be theirs, if this disgraceful religion didn’t interfere.
How sad it is that people can be so affected
otherwise entitled: smoking - a cautionary tale.
i have a gift, a talent for getting myself locked into or out of places.
ever since i was small i have managed to get myself locked in most host's lavatories and unable to quite mistress the ability to unlock the door.. today i surpassed myself.
Hi Crumpet.
Loved the story. Reminded me a little of one I had when I was in my flat. Saturday morning there was a ring at the door. Just a woman doing a sales call. Not even a minuet later another ring. It was a girl from downstairs who had just gone outside to get the milk, dressed only in her dressing gown and the door had closed behind her. Oh Sh*t. ……
She was a bit upset and asked if she could borrow my phone to make a call to her family who had the spare key. I think that they were about an hours drive away. At this point I was thinking that she was wanting to come in my flat, but being a bloke, and also the fact that I lived in a studio flat and my bed was not made, the place was a bit of a mess. So I was not too keen for her to come in. So I said that she could borrow the phone, I closed the door on her, and got my phone which was a cordless, and gave it to her in the hall and then shut the door again. My thought at the time was to try to make the place as respectable as I could in just the few seconds I had. But I just left this poor girl out on the landing, feeling rather exposed I am sure. But the funny thing was the woman that had called on my door to start with was just across the hall and was watching all of this go on, and the look that she gave me when I closed the door the second time….Ouch…She was right to look at me in that way as well. Can’t believe I left this poor girl out there just because of my vanity….
To finish the story and make myself look a little bit better, after she made the call she knocked on the door again and thanked me for the use of the phone. But I had been thinking in the mean time and I wondered if she had left a window open. I did a job then that I needed ladders for. So she said that she had left a window open and so I went and got into her flat and all was well…..Phew…. She was very relieved. I felt a little better as well…the hero….
But here is the punch line. When I went through her flat to open the door, I noticed that her flat was 5 times more untidy than mine…..tut…
Anyway, a few days later and there was a ring at the door and she popped a bottle of very expensive whisky in my hands as a thank you. I don’t know if I would have preferred porn……Mmm…???
music fans !
here is one of the more popular groups from the last 8 years or so !
my personal favorite group as of right now that is actively recording and playing still !
"Venice Queen". Just love the intro.
for me it was bible reading, where you could express your own opinion, in line with present truth of course.. pre the change it was awful listening to some fool telling you his opinion of bible highlights.
Thing I loved about the meetings was when the congregation split and we were put in with another congregation. This girl called Tracy stated to go to our hall and she was so absolutely gorgeous. I used to look at her from afar and she was the most beautiful thing that ever was. I loved the meetings from then on. I would think about her when I was not there. I used to get butterflies when my dad was parking the car in the car park. I would walk in and there she was. Phew…. Heart beating, eyes downward…..
The funny thing was another kid caught me looking at her and twigged that I liked her. He was from her old congregation. I was so embarrassed. I must have been obsessing over her for months.
I ended up going out with her. What a let down. She kissed like a bit of soggy paper. She was 100% totally girlie and such a dull dud. My first awakening (well, second actually. I was also seeing another girl from school at the same time). You will have to forgive me. I was only 11 years old.
well, this is one of 2 groups i will post tonight .
i'll post my other favorite current group later as i have to go to dinner.
but u 2 is one of my favorite current active groups performing still.
I think that "Exit" from the "Joshua Tree". Very black and powerful. Have to be in the mood for it mind. Also "running to stand still". Love the whole album. Brings back a very good chapter in my life.
one thing i hate about being a jw is all of the competition.
i've been actively fading for about several months now.
but, to make the family happy i attended a meeting about a week ago.
I found a few people very competitive. I know this one "elderette" who was also a pioneer. She had the mentality that the more that you do this side of Armageddon then the more you will get after. So she was very keen to have the biggest report to put in. She took pride in being known as the best pioneer that the congregation had. But she also has the habit of muscling in on other peoples studies and then taking them for herself. People would take her along with them and she would then be set to take over the call. It was like clockwork. It happened so many times…
But the most pathetic part was the fact that she would work out when people went to see their studies with the latest mags and she would get there just before and place the latest mags before the person who’s call it was had the chance. She has been steeling calls that way for 15 years that I have known her for and even longer. Even more amazing is that she has got away with it……??